Sunday, May 17, 2009


Long one month's mahabharat (General Elections) are over and results are out. Verdict is clear and Decisive. One side Won and other side Lost. Which is part of life and we all need to accept gracefully. This elections was hard faught and bitter fights were part of the election. As such this election was not faught on any issue. These elections were faught on who is Secular and who is Communal. Who is weak and who is strong. Issues took a back seat and no one talked about how will they sort out problems of Indian people. Congress was busy consolidating it's muslim votes ( which is Secular) and BJP busy consolidating Hindu Votes ( which is called Communal) but called Nationalist by BJP. But in doing this both parties tend to forget that India does not belong just to Hindus or Muslims. It belongs to all religions who stay together.

Both parties have played divide and rule policy and clearly shows in the mandate given by the people. It all started with Congress and followed by all parties. Some part of India voted for Congress and some part for BJP. Clearly, division within us is deep running. Divide and Rule was part of British rule, which has continued till date. And as the new govt. gets into action, I see further division in INDIA. Ofcourse, we cannot blame the political party completely. We too as a nation need to take this blame for believing these parties. India was ruled by Kings for many years, then came the Brits and now the present political class. Even today who rules us, Gandhi family which includes all grand kids of Indira Gandhi, Sindhia family, Badal Family, Amrindar Singh and family and list goes on. This election proves that fascination towards the white skin still persist in many parts of India even now. BJP unfortunately, has not been able to convience the nation that they are not against anyone in this country. And this has been the weakness even today. And the way other parties and also to a large extent Media have branded them communal just because they follow an Ideology (Hinduism) it makes it tough for BJP to kick start. I had heard of untouchabality in INDIA, but for sake of power a party is branded communal is clearly blatant untouchabalality. What kind of Demoracy is this where a party is untouchable. I as a gujarati, am proud of state of Gujarat that they have not considered BJP untouchable. Instead of using work Secular and Communal, it is high time this so called Secularist fight elections on issues and not issues which are not relevant to INDIA. BJP has ruled India for 6 yrs and are ruling in many parts of India. That clearly shows they are not communal and the people who voted them too are not communal.

This election I clearly saw Media playing a pivtol role in defeat of BJP. Media is suppose to be neutral, but clearly pro congress attitutde could be seen. Classical example when Varun Gandhi said something (what he said was not good) but he was hounded by Media. But when Laloo said that if he would have been (Home Minister) he would have crushed him under a roller, no action was taken by EC or for the matter state govt. When President of Andhra Pradesh Congress said if anyone tries to harass minorities (Muslims) he will cut hands of those people. But no action was taken against him. Media plays a role in which way people vote. I hope Media will change the way they report. They cannot take sides in an democracy.

Lesson's learnt in these election are so many. One Dynasty matters after all. Be it Rahul Gandhi or Varun Gandhi. Second, if state govts. do not perform they will not only perish in States elections but also in National Elections. Thirdly, Regional parties aspirations of having a top job will never be full filled. A clear divide between Urban and Rural India persist. Due to this divide regional parties did not do well. Lastly, people do not care about secular and communal. As those who voted for BJP cannot be called communal. I hope other elections are faught on issues and not issues which really does not matter to people of India.

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